On Saturday, March 13, 2010, with loving hearts, we became a family of four and welcome our sweet little boy Mason William to the world! We could not be more thrilled to have two healthy sons and look forward to a full and happy life together! Mason weighed a healthy 9 pounds even and came into the world rather quickly, with only 2 hours of real labour (yay for Mom!)
We have spent the last 12 days enjoying every minute of snuggling with Mason. James has taken quite well to the new addition and is a huge help with his baby brother...whilst keeping his distance!
Minutes old and our hearts are bursting!

Wise soul, opens his eyes at Day 4


Our little family

Big brother helps with the diapers!

Stealing sips of mom's steamed milk!

Not to be out-smiled, Mason turns it on with a few (maybe gas...maybe not?!)

You can look at my toys, but can't touch them!

Healthy eater - past his birth weight in 7 days!

Mason, we hope you know how loved you are! You too James! You are the joys of our life!