It's actually the 10th and I remembered! I had been making a little list of reminders, as the last two times I've had to really think hard, which is hard for moms sometimes!
1. James learned a very good lesson in natural consequences this month...we picked up sushi for dinner when Geoff was working one night (it's his favorite, he asks daily for sushi, even for breakfast), so I se the table and left it in the take-out box in the middle of the table (out of reach) and told him that I would put Mason down for a nap and that we would eat afterwards, in about 10 minutes. I said "please don't climb on your chair to eat, you have to wait". He happily played by himself for a few minutes, but it got eerily quiet and I figured he was into no good and then I heard screaming. He had climbed up on to the table, opened the take-out box, ate what he thought was his avocado roll, but turned out to be a giant wad of wasabi. Ouch. Poor kid was crying and had a runny nose for 15 minutes while we tried a 'mouth wash' (similar to what you would do for an eye wash) station in the bathroom. Needless to say, he won't touch the wasabi again and luckily for us still likes sushi!
2. Mason manhandled our mango one day for his first food! He loved it, who wouldn't?!
3. James loved sleeping in the tent a few weeks ago and we just got him his own sleeping bag for the lake this week!
4. Mason can fully roll over, both ways!

5. James has taken an interest in being carried in the backpack we have for him, so Geoff takes both boys on walks to pick me flowers - that's over 50 pounds of kids and carriers!

6. For Geoff's 34th birthday this month, we took him a giant cookie (Thanks Miranda for the idea!) We made some for the garbage men last week. We really have the nicest garbage men!
Here we are at Dads work, eating his cookie!

7. I scored some sweet FOSOR (free on side of road) items this month - a little tikes climber with slide, a tugboat and huge ride-on digger! Sweet!!
Here is the biggest strawberry from our organic garden!

8. We took in Seafest in White Rock this year and James loved all the music - front row dancing all by himself, too cute!
9. Mason eats a wide variety of foods now - cereal, bananas, pears, squash and sweet potatoes! Loves it all, cries when the spoon leaves his mouth!
10. Mason has found his voice and just like James, when he was 5 months he squawks like a baby eagle