We returned from our 4 days at my family's cabin on Cowichan Lake about 3 weeks ago, but it's taken me a while to catch up and write about it...so finally here goes!
We had some great weather and the kids were thrilled to get to the lake! Of course, James had to drive the boat first and do everything we had done the previous month we were there...this time with less help (walking logs, playing ping pong etc.) We had day visits with my best friend, Amy, and her family, including 21 month old cuite, Freya (whom we hadn't seen since she was 9 weeks old) and also a visit with my cousin, Kim, and her kids Keenan & Cassidy. Here are the higlights from the trip!
Learning to walk the logs

Learning to walk the log solo - great balancing!

Cool dude enjoying the sunset!
Jiffy Pop on the stove!
First day: having a snack on the dock

They did this the whole time, it was so boring...all us adults wanted to do was run around and be crazy...aha

Learning to kayak with Grandma

Jumping off the rock wall:)

Learning to fish with Papa G!

Noodle war with Grandma:) Thanks Keenan & Cass!

Lunch with the Kellow's!

No, this is neither James nor Mason - but a cool shot of Geoff and our friend, Matt, rocking the canoe...first one off loses...fun to watch!

Our early anniversary dinner!

Driving Papa's boat, a fav!

Thanks Grandma & Papa G for having us up and for all the yummy food and terrific fun!