We just came off a terrible week with a nasty Norwalk-type gastro flu. It started off with Mason, quickly spreading to James, myself and Geoff's Mom, Kathy, who was helping us out. We then had to call in more reinforcements in my Mom and Dad...it knocked us off our socks for 9 days, but aside from the boys losing a bit of weight, there seem to be no lasting effects. I say I'd like to forget about this week, but in my mind, I'd like to remember the times when we were truly scared for our children and what I will take from this is that sometimes I may have bad days with them, but as long as they are happy and healthy, nothing matters and we will get through it...we made it through this and I think we can make it through anything now! The other thing I'd like to remember from this week is all the help we received from our family...it was amazing - everybody pulled together in ways I wish everyone could experience...it was a blessing! Thank you - especially to Kathy, who stayed over three nights with me while Geoff worked and was up all night with James and I when he was sick.Luckily the illness left just in time for Geoff and I to have a night away in Seattle (Mariners/Yankees Game) while my parents took care of the kids - thank you! Here are a few pics from their stay here:

We are blessed to have the munchkins back on track....Lindsay and Kathy too !!!! onwards and upwards