It's been two weeks since we went to the island on our first trip of the summer (and taken me that long to blog about it!) We went to Victoria and had a great family bbq at my Aunt & Uncles pool. The following day we headed up to Cowichan Lake to our cabin, where we spent two nights. Unfortuantely, Geoff had to work, so it was just the three of us and my parents, who were celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary! Congrats to them! We had a great weekend, followed by a family dinner in Victoria with my brother, Jeff and his wife Genn, who cooked an amazing dinner for us all! The kids loved the whole weekend and James still talks about all the fun we had...especially Papa's boat!
Pool Party!

I love this place!

Throwing rocks in the water...simple fun!
Striding around the campsite...great hills and bumps!

This is James' fourth year of bathing in the kitchen sink and I think it might be the last! The link is to him in the bath when he was one...always smiling...well maybe not when he was 3 weeks old:)
Letter shaped cherry pancakes...a tradition at the lake!
James' happy place!
Mason's happy place!
Trying to get a picture for the not too cooperative!
Thanks for a great start to our we just ned summer weather:) Off to Mable Lake in a week, then back to Cowichan, then back to Vernon!
we do have a good time at the cabin don't we !!!!