We did all things Halloweeny around here last week...pumpkins, dressing up, decorating and of course trick or treating! James loved dressing up as Cookie Monster and did so many times throughout the week. He really loved it when Mason dressed up as a Hot Dog and pretended to eat him on many occasions, laughing hysterically!
Here we are carving our little family of pumpkins!

Hot Diggity Dog you're cute! I'm sorry you get hand-me-downs and about not being able to crawl in your costume!

Cookie just had to take a flying leap off our jump before trick or treating!
Miranda, I didn't get any good ones of the boys (those silly safety patches were all my camera caught, ok safety isn't silly, but they were very glowy!) - do you have any? Thanks for going out with us, we (James) had a great time and wanted to do it more when he got home!